
Ithaca College Students Say Africa is Not A Country

Left to Right: Events Planner: Natasha Kirabo; Advertising Chair: Makda Getachew; Vice President: Kobby Lartey; Public Relations Chair: Rita Bunatal; (Fall 2013) Treasurer: Fiyin Adeyemo; President: Arit Ntekim.

Hey There,

It's quite funny that I engaged in my own rant about African stereotypes seconds before someone sent me a link via Instagram. The link took me to a Facebook page made for a university organization. At first, I thought that it must have been a mistake; after all I didn't even go to Ithaca College. After spending a few more seconds scrolling, I found out that that the African Students Association at Ithaca College created a very interesting photo campaign. The students were fighting-fighting the stereotypes that have been placed on Africa and its people for years.

Q&A with the African Student Association from Ithaca College

What are some of the most common African stereotypes that you have personally faced? 

- We have been asked if we speak "African", sometimes we hear people referring to our continent as poor, with a land filled with diseases, etc.

Where do you think this ignorance comes from? 
- We believe that this ignorance comes from the misinformation given in the media, as well as the miseducation in institutions. We are hardly ever taught about the history of the continent in primary or secondary institutions in the U.S. And if we were ever to discuss the continent in class, there would be about 3 pages in the textbook 'covering' this topic, when in actuality, you'd need hundreds of books to really cover the histories of the vast continent.

Why did you feel the need to create this campaign? 
- We felt the need to do this campaign because we were tired of people asking us these questions, and we also wanted to help paint a more positive image of our continent.

What would your ideal outcome be from this campaign?
- Our ideal outcome would to be for people to continue educating themselves through these photos, and we hope to spark discussions as well as create a dialogue as to why these misconceptions exist.

All Photo Credits: IC African Students Association / Via Facebook.com | Photographer: Thiri Mariah Boucher

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